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时间: 思晴2 英语备考




  trans-bridge tours is looking forward to providing you with another year of exciting one-day travel destinations in 2016.

  statue of liberty & ellis island

  august 15 (sat)

  $78 adult; $66 child (4-12); $ 75 senior (62 )

  no visit to the new york city area is complete without a trip to the world’s most famous landmarks--- the statue of liberty and ellis island.

  price includes transportation to liberty state park and timed ferry tickets.

  9/11 museum& memorial

  september 29 (tue)

  $ 87 adult; $ 78 youth (7-17); senior $80(65 )

  the museum displays artifacts associated with the events of 9/11, while presenting stories of loss and recovery. the memorial between the twin reflecting pools, is a tribute of remembrance and honor to the nearly 3,000 people killed in the terror attacks.

  the new york botanical garden

  october 14 (wed)

  $126 adult

  this national historic landmark offers visitors 250 acres (英亩) of the most unique land form of any botanical garden in the world, with huge rock outcroppings, beautiful flower collections, a river, cascading waterfalls, and 40 acres(英亩) of old-growth forest dating from pre-revolutionary times plus a world-class conservatory.

  hagley museum & winterthur

  november 21(sat)

  $113 adult

  located on 235 acres along the banks of the brandywine, hagley is the site of the gunpowder works founded by e.i. du pont in 1802. winterthur was the former home of henry francis du pont, a famous antiques collector and gardener.

  includes: brandywine tour at hagley; lunch at hagley museum; guided tour at winterthur garden

  21. which of the following charges an adult the lowest fee?

  a. statue of liberty & ellis island b.9/11 museum & memorial

  c. the new york botanical garden d. hagley museum & winterthur

  22. which was set up in memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks?

  a. the statue of liberty. b. the 9/11 memorial. c. hagley museum. d. winterthur garden. when 23. when can you do some geological (地质的) research while travelling?

  a. august 15. b. september 29. c. october 14. d. november 21.


  very mobile ears help many animals direct their attention to the rustle of a possible attacker. researchers say these mobile ears have become a useful communication tool. their studies of animal behaviour build up a picture of how communication and social skills developed.

  “we're interested in how they communicate,” said lead researcher jennifer wathan.“and being sensitive to what another individual is thinking is a fundamental skill from which other more complex skills develop.”

  ms wathan and her colleague prof karen mccomb set up a behavioural experiment where 72 individual horses had to use visual cues from another horse in order to choose where to feed. they led each horse to a point where it had to select one of two buckets. on a wall behind this decision-making spot was a life-sized photograph of a horse's head facing either to left or right. in some of the trials, the horses’ ears or eyes were covered.

  if the ears and eyes of the horse in the picture were visible, the horses being tested would choose the bucket towards which its gaze - and its ears - were directed. if the horse in the picture had either its eyes or its ears covered, the horse being tested would just choose a feed bucket at random.

  like many mammals that are hunted by predators(捕食者), horses can rotate(旋转)their ears through almost 180 degrees - but ms wathan said that in our "human-centric" view of the world, we had overlooked the importance of these very mobile ears in animal communication.

  "it seems there's something in the visual cues - from both the eyes and the ears - that are really important," she told bbc news. "horses have quite rich social lives and relationships with other horses, so they're a good species to look at this in." and the more we look at communication across different species, the more we can consider what might have promoted the evolution of sophisticated communication and social skills."

  24. why does a horse rotate its ears?

  a. to tell each other where they can go for the buckets.

  b. to be curious about what the other horse is thinking.

  c. to warn the other horse when an attacker is coming closer.

  d. to express its hope to build up social relations with others.

  25. why did the researchers use the life-sized photograph of a horse in the experiment?

  a. to help develop horses’ complex skills.

  b. to lead other horses to feed themselves.

  c. to make the horses in the experiment excited.

  d. to provide clues for the horses in the experiment.

  26. why are ears and eyes important to horses?

  a. they can find the feeding buckets more easily with ears and eyes.

  b. with ears and eyes they can escape from dangers more easily.

  c. with ears and eyes they can communicate with other horses.

  d. horses have quite rich social lives with ears and eyes.

  27. what can be the best title of the passage?

  a. rotary ears serve as communication tools.

  b. horses have more social skills than other species.

  c. experiments with horses’ ears.

  d. fundamental skills of horses.


  i had a great time this past summer visiting stone mountain park with my twin grandsons. i had the opportunity to spend the day with them seeing the various sights and attractions. one thing that my grandsons had really wanted to do that particular day was to climb to the top of the mountain. stone mountain isn’t a particularly tall mountain and fortunately has walking trails to the top, but for two 5-year –olds, along with grandpa, it’s a formidable task.

  since my grandson’s enthusiasm was much greater than mine, i decided to start the slow walk up the mountain. the beginning part of the trail was slow and gradual. it seemed like we were taking forever to climb just a short distance, but i had to remind myself that it took 3 of their steps to equal 1 of mine, so i found myself walking ahead of them, then having to stop and let them catch up, over and over again.

  i was tired and sweaty, just wanting to get to the top of the mountain so i could rest well before starting my way back. i learned early on during our walk that this wasn’t going to be the case. we had to stop and look at every large rock with someone’s name carved in it. we looked at unususal plant formations. we examined large trees and we explored small rock overhangs that reminded the kids of caves. my grandsons viewed the walk as an exciting adventure. climbing the mountain was a trial to me but my grandsons were not focused at all on the trial of climbing the mountain; they were simply enjoying the journey of the walk.

  i know when i face a trial in life, i tend to always think of the problem. i want the trial to be over quickly and let life get back to normal. what can i learn during the course of the trial? at some point, the trial will be over and we’ll be joyous for sure.

  however, the real joy should not be that the trial’s over, but i am celebrating what i learned during the journey.

  28. what does the underlined word“formidable”in paragraph 1 mean?

  a. relaxing b. meaningful. c. strange d. difficult.

  29. what can we know from paragraph 2?

  a. the writer kept challenging his grandsons to catch up with him.

  b. old as the writer was , he walked much faster than his grandsons.

  c. the writer and his grandsons walked up the mountain very fast at the beginning.

  d. the writer was more eager to climb to the top of the mountain than his grandsons.

  30. why did the writer only want to reach the mountain top?

  a. to have a good rest b. to get a better view

  c. to enjoy unusual plants. d. to see large rocks carved with names.

  31. what can be the best title of the text?

  a. a tiring day spent with grandsons. b. joy coming from mountain-climbing.

  c. a life lesson learnt form grandsons. d. learning to enjoy the journey.


  we all have an idea about the common types of environmental problems. however, light pollution may be a new term to many of us. but, the fact is, it does affect mankind, other living forms and the environment as a whole.

  what is light pollution? it presents all forms of misused man-made light. the obvious cause of light pollution is the use of outdoor lighting products improperly. it can be office lighting, car headlights, station lights, streetlights and many more.

  light pollution is harmful to both animals and plants. upon studies, it is found that obvious effects are observed in the behaviour of nocturnal animals. needless to mention , bright light at night makes it difficult for these animals to hunt, wander and perform their regular activities. light pollution is directly or indirectly responsible for causing several diseases. its effects are related to disturbance in the physical rhythm. it contributes to risks of developing cancerous cells. so, it’s nothing less than a threat to human health.

  you have already seen the negative effects of light pollution on animals and human health. apart from this, the actual cost of misused light is about millions of dollars every year. it also leads to the release of greenhouse gases and global warming. after all,fuels are used for producing electricity.

  while outdoor lighting and using man-made lighting products are part of our modern lifestyle, some simple ways will surely help in reducing light pollution. for example,while installing outdoor lighting, make sure that they are pointed downwards . also, use only the required lighting equipment for both home and offices. believe it or not, many people living in the urban areas cannot view clear sky and stars at night. let’s contribute our part in reducing the pollution.

  32. what can we learn about light pollution?

  a. it is a negative fruit of light technology. b. it has no effect on plants

  c. it contributes to most cancers. d. it affects animals’ normal activities in the daytime.

  33. how does light pollution affect the climate?

  a. it reduces temperatures by days and makes nights warmer.

  b. it creates more clouds over parts of the earth.

  c. it stops the release of greenhouse gases. causes global temperatures to go up.

  34. how can we contribute our part in reducing light pollution?

  a. forbid the use of outdoor lighting. b. don’t use unnecessary lights at home and offices.

  c. reduce money spent on man-made light in urban areas. d. use clean energy to produce electricty.

  35. it can be inferred from the last paragragh that __________.

  a. citizens should be forbidden to install outdoor lighting.

  b. only simple ways can help reduce light pollution.

  c. light pollution needs to be dealt with urgently.

  d. there is no clear sky or stars over the urban areas.

  第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


  it’s natural to feel some stress about taking tests. in fact, sometimes a little stress is a good thing. here are some tips:


  your memory will be much better if you’ve had enough rest. in a scientific study , people who got enough sleep before taking a math test did better than those who stayed up all night studying.

  read the test through first.(加粗)

  once you have the test paper in front of you, read over the entire test, checking out how long it is and all the parts you are expected to complete. this will allow you to estimate how much time you have for each section and ask the teacher any questions._37__

  focus on addressing each question individually. (加粗)

  as you take the test, if you don’t know an answer, don’t obsess(缠住) over it._38__ come back to it after you’ve answered other questions.

  relax. (加粗)

  _39___ of course you can’t get up and move around in the middle of a test, but you can wiggle(摇摆)your fingers and toes, take four or five deep breaths, or picture yourself on a beach or some other calm places.

  finished already? (加粗)

  although most teachers will let you hand a test in early, it’s usually a good idea to spend any extra time checking over your work. _40___on the other hand, if you have 5 minutes until the bell rings and you’re still writing, wind up whatever you’re working on without panicking.

  a. instead, skip over the question.

  b. listen closely to any instructions.

  c. get enough sleep the night before the test.

  d. but some can get serious test-taking terror.

  e. if something seems unclear before you start, don’t panic: ask.

  f. if you’re so nervous that you blank out, you might need a mini-break.

  g. you can also add details that you may not have thought you’d have time for.

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5 分, 满分30分)

  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(a,b,c,d) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.

  i often work with students in small groups providing strategies for promoting reading. one of the activities i ask students to complete is a process that __41_ students to focus on word features to _42 reading skills. part of activities involves students who must reach a __43_ and desire for me their own thinking.

  recently, i was observing students during this process __44_. one of the students thought this was _45. i asked her why and she replied “my teacher doesn’t let us talk!”

  it _46 me that, in our classroom lives of school reform, so many important things have been pushed out of daily instructions. as adults we can realize the importance of communication. we become 47 through communicating with friends, employers and partners. 48_good communication skills, we are ususally unable to reach our fullest _49_. so we shouldn’t forget to let our students do the talking. i learn so much about my students and their thinking through their 50 conversation. yet, quiet classroons are often seen as “good” classrooms. noisy classrooms are _51_ as “hard to control”. a really productive classroom is a __52_ of both.

  teachers who instruct students on a task and then allow them to work together to complete the task _53_ to hear a productive level of conversation. sure, students get off task, _54_ that is the teacher’s job to redirect the students. a teacher should _55_ conversations, guide and join in the conversations. most _56_, the teacher should listen to the conversations. i actually learn from my students when i am part of the process. students __57_ their higher order thinking skills through language. my instruction is often __58_ by this enjoyable opportunity.

  i hope we all can find the time in our busy instructional days to allow our students the opportunity to _59__ their language development through the art of conversation. in my classes, we will continue to talk , talk, talk! after all, the skill of communication will largely _60_ a student’s success, now and in the future.

  41. a. permits   b. drives    c. persuades d. directs

  42. a. exchange   b. examine   c. improve d. enable

  43. a. conclusion   b. kingdom   c. surrounding d. graduation

  44. a. happily b. quietly   c. carelessly d. freely

  45. a. joy   b. end   c. fun d. job

  46. a. pointed   b. discouraged c. overcame d. reminded

  47. a. distant b. important c. successful d. permanent

  48. a. through b. throughout c. with d. without

  49. a. potential   b. location c. performance d. level

  50. a. casual b. boring c. funny d. smart

  51. a. imagined b. described c. regarded d. overlooked

  52. a. benefit b. combination c. power d. disadvantage

  53. a. expect b. demand c. decide d. pretend

  54. a. so b. and c. for d. but

  55. a. allow b. order c. monitor d. create

  56.a. generally b. powerfully c. probably d. importantly

  57. a. demonstrate b. value c. organize d. produce

  58. a. borrowed b. guided c. obtained d. narrowed

  59. a. control b. cause c. enrich d. decide

  60.a. lie in b. point to c. take in d. lead to

  第ii卷(非选择题 共50分)

  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

  第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  one of my most precious memories is watching my dad save a girl in a swimming pool. i was _61__(probable) about 9 years old. we were at a campground with a pool. there weren’t many people there, __62__there was a group of local teenagers near the deep end--- several boys and a girl. the boys were trying to make the girl jump into the pool. then they ___63__(throw) her in. she sank like _64__ brick. the water closed over her and became still again. the boys became __65__ (silence) and just stared at the water. then a lady nearby cried,“she’s _66__(drown)!”my dad dived into the water immediately. everyone was quiet, just starting at the spot____67_ he disappeared. then my dad surfaced with the girl and yelled ___68_ the boys to help him pull her out of the pool. some of the boys helped the girl home and the rest spent quite a while in the pool diving for ___69__(coin) and handing them to my dad. i learned years _70_ (late) that the girl’s parents had a celebration for my dad , and that was the day when my dad became my hero.

  第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





  注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

  annie oakley became famous as her ability to shoot a gun and hitting very small objects. there are hundred of stories about her. however, much of the stories aren’t true. she was a performer in a traveling wild west show. she used her skill at shooting a gun to become one of most famous sharpshooters in american history. she decided to help with her family earn money when she was 8. she taught herself what to shoot her grandfather’s gun and began hunting animals for money. by the time she was 15, she has made enough money to pay for her family’s farm. soon his ability to shoot a gun became wide known in her town.

  第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

  假设你是新华中学学生会主席李华。你校将举办一次英语演讲比赛 (speech contest)。希望附近某大学的外籍教师lucy女士来做评委。请参照以下比赛通知给她写一封信。






  联系人:李华(电话 2314562)





  dear ms. lucy,




  with best wishes,

  li hua


  第二部分 阅读理解(每题2分;满分40分)




  21.c 细节理解题。对比四条旅游线路的收费价格可看出,c项每位成年人收费26美元,是成年人票价中最低的。

  22. b细节理解题。由第二部分的“the memorial … a tribute of remembrance and honor to the nearly 3,000 people killed in the terror attacks.”可知,9/11纪念馆是专门为纪念9/11恐怖袭击罹难者而建的,应选b项。

  23. c 细节理解题。有第三部分中的“250 acres of the most unique land form”、“ huge rock outcroppings”和“40 acres of old-growth forest dating from pre-revolutionary times”可知,奇特的地形、裸露的巨大岩石及原始森林正是进行地质研究的宝贵素材,故选择c项。




  24. c 根据文章首句可知,马儿转动耳朵的目的是警告另外的马儿,有狩猎者正在靠近。

  25. d 由第3、4段可知,利用马的图片是为其他的马提供信息交流线索的。

  26. c 由末段可知,马是一种善于交际的动物,马耳朵的转动是一种重要的交际方式。

  27. a 通读全文可知,本文介绍了马耳朵是马的一种交流工具的研究结果,因此选a项。



  28.d 根据句意可知,石山虽然不是特别高,幸运的是,还有步行道直通山顶,但是对于两个五岁的孩子和一位老爷爷来说,这是一个艰难的任务。由此可以推测出formidable意为“困难的;可怕的”。

  29.b 根据文章第2段中的“…t took 3of their steps to equal 1 of mine, so i found myself walking ahead of them, then having to stop and let them catch up, over and over again.”可知,作者比他的两个孙子走得快得多。

  30. a 根据文章第3段中的“i was tired and sweaty, just wanting to get to the top of the mountain so i could rest well before starting my way back.”可知,作者只想着到达山顶是为了可以好好休息。

  31. d 文章介绍了作者今年夏天和两个孙子在石山公园度过了一段美好的时光,爬山的经历让他明白了一个道理:我们在生活中虽然经常会遭遇考验,但是真正让我们高兴的不是考验结束了,而是我们从考验中学到的东西,因此我们要学会享受这个过程。由此可知,选d



  32. a 根据第二段可知,光污染是滥用各种人造光源而形成的,即不恰当地使用户外照明产品,可以是办公照明、汽车车灯、方位灯、路灯等。由此推断,光污染可以说是光技术的坏影响。

  33. d 由第四段“it also leads to the release of greenhouse gases and global warming.”可知,光污染会造成更多温室气体的排放,从而引起全球变暖,d项符合文意。c项与文意相悖,a、b项无依据。

  34. b 根据最后一段“also, use only the required lighting equipment for both home and offices.”


  35. c 由文章最后两句,尤其是“beleve it or not, many people living in the urban areas cannot view clear sky and stars at night”可知,光污染非常严重,据此推知光污染问题有待解决,应选c项,其他选项均与文章不符。

  第二节 七选五(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)

  36-40 ceafg






  第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,每题1.5分;满分45分)

  第一节 完形填空(共20小题;满分30分)


  答案:41-45 dcabc 46-50 dcdad 51-55 cbadc 56-60 dabcd


  41. d 上一句的“strategies for promoting reading”说明作者身为老师,给学生的是更多的指导,所以用 direct。

  42. c 上一句的promoting reading 说明作者想通过某种方法提高学生的阅读能力。

  43. a 作者对自己的观点有了具体的结论之后,才能表达自己的思想或者想法,所以用 conclusion

  44. b 由下文可知作者使用的方法是更多地让学生谈论话题,而自己并不是一味地灌输知识,所以当学生们热烈讨论的时候他往往在一边静静地观看,所以用quietly.

  45. c 由下文可知,不仅仅是这一个学生,作者的这种方法调动了绝大多数学生的兴趣,他们都认为这种方法很有趣,所以用fun说明学生们的反应。

  46. d 上一段最后一句“my teacher doesn’t let us talk!”提醒作者想到了学校改革方面的相关事宜,这里由此及彼,所以用remind“提醒”。

  47. c 上一句的“the importance of communication”说明人与人之间交流的重要性,这是一个人获得成功的重要因素,所以本空选择 successful。

  48. d 句中的unable to reach 说明如果没有人与人之间的交流,我们就不能挖掘出最大的潜能,用 without和句中的unable形成双重否定,说明交流的重要性。

  49. a 作为教师,应该尽可能多得挖掘学生的潜能,作者的教学方法正是为了让学生的最大潜能发挥出来。

  50. d 句子的“learn so much about my students”说明作者认为学生值得他学习,说明他认为这些对话都很机智,所以用smart。

  51. c 本空和上一句的often seen as 说明这里指的是人们尤其是其他老师对这种课堂方法的看法,所以用regard as.

  52. b 上面的两种看法都有其可取性,也有其偏颇性,本句的and说明作者认为两种课堂的结合才能产生最大的效率

  53. a 句子的定语从句说明指导学生执行某项任务而且让学生通过合作完成任务的老师都是希望得到更富有成效的结果。

  54. d 当然在这个过程中学生可能会逃避一部分老师所安排的任务,但是进行再指导也是老师的职责,这里形成的是对应关系,所以用but表对比。

  55.c 第2段第1句的“was observing students”说明老师安排完任务之后还要对学生的完成情况进行监督,monitor 在这里是动词,意为“观察,监视”,符合语境。

  56.d 上文说的是老师应该注意的事项,而在这里说的是最重要的一点,那就是老师还要做一位很好的听众,用most importantly作插入语,强调重要性。

  57. a 句中的through language 是方式,学生就是通过这种方式展示了自己更强的思维能力。

  58. b. 本段倒数第3句的 learn from my students 说明作者有时候在一定程度上受到了学生的引导,所以用动词guide.

  59. c 有了更多的话语权和交流能力,学生会更好地丰富自己的语言发展能力,用enrich说明其积极作用。

  60. d 句中的a student’s success说的是一个学生的学习的最后的结果,所以用lead to 表示“导致”,是一种结果,符合语境。


  第二节 语法短文填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)

  61. probably 62. but 63. threw 64. a 65. silent 66. drowning 67.where 69. coins 70. later

  第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)

  第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

  annie oakley became famous as her ability to shoot a gun and hitting very small objects. there

  for hit

  are hundred of stories about her. however, much of the stories aren’t true. she was a performer in

  hundreds many

  a traveling wild west show. she used her skill at shooting a gun to become one of∧ most famous


  sharpshooters in american history. she decided to help with her family earn money when she was 8. she taught herself what to shoot her grandfather’s gun and began hunting animals for money.


  when she was 15, she has made enough money to pay for her family’s farm. soon his ability to

  had her

  shoot a gun became wide known in her town.




  dear ms. lucy,

  i’m lihua, chairman of the students’ union of xinhua middle school, which is close to your university. i’m writing to invite you to be a judge at out english speech contest to be held in room 601 in our school on may 10. it will start at 9:00 in the morning and last for three hours. 15 students will deliver their speeches on the given topic “friendship”. we hope that you will accept our invitation if it is conveniet for you. please call me at 2314562 if you have any questions.

  i’m looking forward to your reply.

  with best wishes,

  li hua






